Estás en Uruguay  Uruguayan center  Santa Lucia 

History of Santa Lucia

Santa Lucía is a city located in the department of Canelones, Uruguay.

Founded in 1781, it is one of the oldest cities in the country. Originally called "Villa San Juan Bautista", the city was renamed Santa Lucía in honor of the city's patron saint.

During the Great War in the 19th century, the city was an important center of military and political activity.

In the year 1846, the Battle of San Antonio, one of the most important battles of the war, took place near the city.

In the 1920s, the city began to develop as a center for the production of fruits and vegetables, which is still an important part of its economy.

Today, Santa Lucía is a growing city, with a variety of tourist attractions, including the Artigas Park, the Regional Historical Museum and the Barra Bridge.

See more information about Santa Lucia

See also information on Artigas y Canelones.

Places to visit in Santa Lucia

Quinta Capurro

La Quinta Capurro es uno de los paseos clásicos de Santa Lucía, emblema de la época más esplendorosa de la ciudad, cuando era un destino de veraneo elegido por la aristocracia montevideana.

Río Santa Lucía

El Río Santa Lucía es el afluente más importante del Río de la Plata y uno de los mayores cursos de agua de todo el territorio.

Tourism notes in Santa Lucia

Una escapada vinícola a Santa Lucía, descubriendo viñedos

Santa Lucía es una ciudad ubicada a solo 35 kilómetros de Montevideo, capital de Uruguay. Esta ciudad cuenta con una rica historia y cultura, y ofrece a los visitantes una variedad de atractivos turísticos que son ideales para aquellos que desean explorar más allá de los destinos más conocidos en Uruguay. U...
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