Estás en Uruguay  Beaches of Uruguay  Rocha 

Overview of Rocha

The city of Rocha is the capital of the homonymous department, located on the east coast of Uruguay, about 200 kilometers east of Montevideo. With a population of around 25,000, it is an important commercial and tourist center in the region.

The city has a beautiful central square, Plaza Independencia, surrounded by historic buildings and leafy trees. There you can find several monuments and the statue of General Leandro Gómez, one of the national heroes of Uruguay.

The Rocha municipal market is another tourist attraction, where you can buy fresh fruits and vegetables and taste the typical dishes of the region. The city also has a wide variety of shops and restaurants, offering local products and international dishes.

One of the most popular tourist spots near Rocha is the Santa Teresa Fortress, located about 20 kilometers south of the city. This historic fort was built in the 18th century and is one of the most important monuments in Uruguay. The place has a museum and a beautiful beach, which is highly visited by tourists and locals.

The city of Rocha is an ideal starting point to explore the nearby beaches, such as La Paloma, Cabo Polonio and Valizas. These beaches are known for their crystal clear waters, their natural landscapes, and their water activities, such as surfing and kitesurfing.

To get to Rocha, you can take Route 9 that runs along the east coast of Uruguay from Montevideo. It can also be reached by bus from Montevideo or from other points in Uruguay. In addition, the city has a small nearby airport, which offers flights to national and international destinations.

See more information about Rocha

See also information on Montevideo, La Paloma y Cabo Polonio.

Places to visit in Rocha

Tourism notes in Rocha

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Balneario Solis
Cabo Polonio
Costa Azul
Cuchilla Alta
El Pinar
José Ignacio
La Barra
La Paloma
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Pan de Azucar
Punta Ballena
Punta del Diablo
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